Many Jehovah witnesses often quote John 14:28” Ye have heard…

Many Jehovah witnesses often quote John 14:28” Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me*, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. AS a proof text to deny the clear scriptural teachings on the essential Deity of Jesus.But does this scripture verse teach such a unbiblical doctrine?.there are three degrees of comparison; they are the composite, the comparative and the superlative , the last of these mentioned identifies the person or object spoken of the as existing the highest position possible. if Jesus was a created being as is contended by many, won’t it be obvious in when comparing himself to the person of Jehovah the superlative degree should of been used instead of the composite, which merely identifies on person greater, but not the greatest. In the Gospel of MATT 12:41-42 Jesus says he is greater than the prophet Jonah and king Solomon, now if Jesus is nothing more than a righteous man that Jehovah uses to accomplish his Divine will, apart from being sinless in what sense could it be said that he is greater than these two biblical character seeing that they are all men?

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