# **Religious-Atheistic logic:** “*When I ask a Christian why do…

# **Religious-Atheistic logic:** “*When I ask a Christian why do…

# **Religious-Atheistic logic:** “*When I ask a Christian why do you believe in Christianity…Why not other religions? Is there something special or does the bible contain [a] scientific verse which is now discovered? How do you know that this is the word of god? Simply his answer will be…Because Jesus said I am the only way to God And he died for our sins. What I observe from this is that they look like they are really programmed or like Christianity is really weak and the Christians are follow[ing] their emotions.”*

# **Response to the one who scoffs at Christianity…**
# I walked in the lust of my flesh and in narcissism for 35-yrs and I was headed to death in sin and death in Hell while thinking I was a “good” person and that surely God accepted me as I was…it was not until I took the time (out of pride) to sit and read through the New Testament of the Holy Bible in an easy to read version that my life was forever changed by the power of God the Holy Spirit.
# Approximately one-half-way through my initial read of the New Testament, I looked up from the pages of Scripture and asked “Where has this been all my life?” Something happened to my inner-man as I read the Scriptures…I came to know without a doubt that Jesus Christ is indeed God who entered Time some 2019-yrs ago and suffered and died for ME…Jesus Christ died to pay my sin-debt that I could not pay and when I sincerely believed this with my whole heart, a change manifest in my life…I began to see the World and LIFE from a different perspective…my desires and affections began to change and every question I previously had about the origin of life, meaning of life, morality – my destiny, these were ALL answered by the Holy Spirit within the pages of Scripture as He spoke to my heart and opened my eyes to the things of God (2 Corinthians 5:17; 1 John 2:27).
# That was 27-yrs ago and I am here to testify that Jesus Christ is exactly Who He said He is and unless a man or woman humbles them self before God the Father, repents of their sin and believes in their heart, confesses with their mouth that Jesus Christ is God who died to pay their sin debt and believes that Jesus was resurrected from the dead for their justification, unless a man or woman sincerely believes this and confesses same with their mouth, they will NOT see life in God’s Kingdom subsequent to the death of their body in Time (Romans 10:9-10; John 8:24). If you desire life in Eternity in service to our God…if you desire to know God…you must repent of sin and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is God who died for you to provide you forgiveness of sin and life in Eternity (John 3:16)!
# Atheists, secularists, naturalists, moral relativists, religionists, mock God and Christianity because these people don’t know the Holy Spirit…they have never truly tried to know God personally; therefore, God remains an enigma to them. Anyone who truly desires to know God and seeks Him with their whole heart, He will be found by them (Jeremiah 29:13) – but – you must first believe that He is God and understand that God rewards those who diligently seek Him. There is no other way to know God the Father but by first trusting-believing in the Son, Jesus Christ, as your personal Lord and Savior for the mediation of your sins (John 14:6)!
# It is ONLY by grace (unmerited favor from God unattainable by human effort) through faith (trusting-believing) in Jesus Christ as Lord that you have access to the indwelling Holy Spirit and a knowledge of God’s deeper secrets concerning Time and Eternity and your destiny with assurance of Eternal life (Ephesians 1:13; John 16:13).

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