So Much Going On

So Much Going On

Life is so busy right now. I realize that’s not unique to me, as every human being has tons of things going on all the time.

For our little family, it includes, me finishing school (which I did praise the Lord…more on that later), Corrie pregnant with our fourth baby (and all the house preparations that entails), coaching 2 of the boys’ baseball teams, new endeavors at the church, and on and on…

You know how it is.

I’ve got a couple posts set up and ready to go this week. Thanks for being a part of this little community. Though a lot of you don’t always comment, there are several hundred faithful readers with each new post. The easiest way to get the new posts is through the subscribe by email link to the right. Feel free to jump on that way. If not, follow the links from your favorite RSS feed or social networking site.

New post coming tomorrow! See you then.