
1. In what area of life do you need God’s…

1. In what area of life do you need God’s…

1. In what area of life do you need God’s peace today? Over what do you need to cease striving? 2. Practice beholding the works of the Lord. Choose one of these areas and journal about it. What do you learn from God’s faithfulness and deliverance in this area? Idea 1: Consider the nations . . . and turn off the news. Idea 2: Look outdoors. Idea 3: Look at the people around you. Idea 4: Look inside... »

Resurrecting An Institution on Life Support

Resurrecting An Institution on Life Support Resurrecting An Institution on Life Support »

ETERNAL LIFE in the Fields of the Wood at Prayer Mountain in Murphy, NC

ETERNAL LIFE in the Fields of the Wood at Prayer Mountain in Murphy, NC

Thanks to our friends at the World largest display of the Ten Commandments in the Fields of the Wood at Prayer Mountain in Murphy, NC For schedule and reservations please call the Commandments Keeper, ‎Cliff Anderson (828) 494-7855 »

Part 16 – A Day in the Life of Jesus – Red Letters

Part 16 – A Day in the Life of Jesus – Red Letters

Source: Join Dr. Jonathan Vorce as he discusses today on the subject entitle A Day In the Life of Jesus. We begin our teaching today in the book of Luke 8. — »