
Is Missional Denomination an Impossibility a Decade Later?

Is Missional Denomination an Impossibility a Decade Later?

A decade ago in 2007, Travis Johnson shared his Pursuit of a Missional Denomination;  wanting to see the Church of God become missional in its appropriation of trust and resources.  However, thanks to Art Rogers at the 12 Witnesses blog, new expression was found that may more accurately reflect one’s heart for missionality- “A Missional Denomination is an Impossibility.”  Art via... »

Missions Mondays: 5 Marks of a Missional Church

Missions Mondays: 5 Marks of a Missional Church

1. When we reach out without selling out. 2. When every part of the church’s life is hospitable to people who do not yet grasp the Gospel. 3. When we move away from a ‘tribal’ atmosphere to a ‘missional’ atmosphere. 4. When we respect and talk to people like we do at work. (Find common ground to build friendships) 5. When we understand more and more how the Gospel changes everything. The Gospel Ch... »