
Some numbers that I researched today showed that FaceBook now…

Some numbers that I researched today showed that FaceBook now has 17,048 full time employees and this company has only been going about 20 years. I then looked up the number of licensed and ordained ministers in the Church of God and they numbered 4877, thus FB has nearly four times as many full time employees as the COG has clergy and of course most of the 4877 are receiving less in pay than a mo... »

Why are the numbers of skeptics, secularists, and atheists growing…

Why are the numbers of skeptics, secularists, and atheists growing prodigiously? »

Numbers 2 It seems that God setting up His “armada”…

Numbers 2 It seems that God setting up His “armada” through Moses. In Revelation 7 says a remnant of Israel. I am curious (1) if this is related with each other (2) if Numbers formation of the camp is a picture of the actual formation in God’s place. ***your input is much appreciated. »

Numbers Do Matter: 10 Signs of a Disturbing Trend in Churches

One census was ordered by God. The other was instigated by Satan. God said that numbers do matter. He ordered a counting of all the people of Israel shortly after the people fled Egypt. You can see the specific mandate in Exodus 30:12-14. An entire book of the Bible is devoted to the progress and... The post Numbers Do Matter: 10 Signs of a Disturbing Trend in Churches appeared first on Church Ans... »