
Seeking Adventure

At thirty, Jesus strode out of the desert and got a jolt of clarity. The Holy Spirit flashed down in the form of a dove. God spoke illuminating words of confirmation. And Jesus immediately found Himself doing exactly what He was supposed to do. I’d take something more subtle. The angst of entering my third [...] »

Be Useful to your Pastor…

2Timothy 4:11- Bring Mark with you , for he is useful to me in the ministry.I came across this verse in my devotions this morning. Let me give you some food for thought regarding this verse.1. Mark had been cast aside from Paul for forsaking him at a ... »

Letter to a Graduate

Giving advice always seems such a tenuous task, balanced between two equally foreboding chasms: impersonal aphorisms that do little to instruct and a fruitless attempt to reach into your future based upon our past. After all, you already have the best book of instruction on all matters, a book you know well. What more could [...] »

Christian Potheads???

If you have been in this youth culture for a while, WEED always seems to come into question. I just received an email from one of my former high school students who is in the middle of a faith crisis and wanted me to help him "land" on this issue of being saved and still being able to "smoke it up." Instead of just inboxing him, i thought i would use his question as an opportunity to BLOG. Maybe i... »