
Safari Sheep Sharing

Safari Sheep Sharing

Marcia Anderson, Missionary teacher in Kenya, has loved telling you about all the places where the Shepherd has led her, the exploits He has done on her behalf, and the tender ways He has led and guided her. For 27 years, she has been sharing about the “sheep” the Lord has given her as an [...] »

A Call to Redeem Our Bodies: Weeping in Sexual Brokenness and Walking in Sexual Holiness

A Call to Redeem Our Bodies: Weeping in Sexual Brokenness and Walking in Sexual Holiness I didn’t want to say #metoo. I didn’t want to admit that the nightmares, physical shaking, and emotional explosions that manifested around every conversation about Donald Trump and the church had something to do with a secret I had kept for nearly twenty years. I had done a lot of work to push it away and to e... »

Lee University Missions Week 2018

Lee University Missions Week 2018

Since 1991, one week each year is set aside as “Dee Lavender Missions Week.” Lee University students partner with Church of God World Missions for a special project where they can make an impact in the world. This year, the selected week for missions emphasis is October 1-5. Missionaries are invited to speak in classes [...] »

Romania Celebrates 100th Anniversary

General Director of Church of God World Missions, M. Thomas Propes, along with Assistant Director, John D. Childers, celebrate with the Church of God Pentecostal Church in Romania on the achievement of their 100th Anniversary. This celebration marks the triumphant persistence of a movement that has overcome decades of government oppression and persecution to share the Gospel over the past ... Read... »