The inaugural meeting of the Church of God Advisory Council…

The inaugural meeting of the Church of God Advisory Council…

The inaugural meeting of the Church of God Advisory Council was on December 14, 1965. Established by the Executive Council, the Advisory Council is made up of current and former International Executive Committee members. Meeting in December of years the General Assembly does not convene, their purpose is to keep past leaders informed of current matters and to gain from their wisdom and experience. Attendees were: L to R seated: John C. Jernigan, J.H. Walker Sr., Wade H. Horton (general overseer), Zeno C. Tharp, Houston R. Morehead, James A. Cross. Standing: Charles W. Conn (first assistant), Ralph E. Williams (secretary-treasurer), C. Raymond Spain (second assistant), J.D. Bright, R. Leonard Carroll (third assistant), Earl P Paulk Sr., Vessie D. Hargrave (world missions director), R.R. Walker, A.V. Beaube, Paul H. Walker, H.D. Williams. H.L Chesser and R.P. Johnson were unable to attend due to illness.

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