The listening post: As I continue to listen to several…

The listening post: As I continue to listen to several CoG sermons per week; I sometimes ask, what are they not saying? What is on their radar screen and what is top of the mind? One thing one never hears about is the slaughter on our highways and what we as christians can do about it. Even with the new safety features built into our cars, some 33,000 die every year just here in the states. This is far more deaths than our soldiers experience. And yes it effects the church… your church. Chances are one or more people sitting in your congregation have lost a loved one due to a traffic death. Even ten years hence they still suffer and often the pain is transferred to church life. Any time a person suffers a great inexplicable lost it is likely to work itself out in relationships and they are likely to want you to suffer in some way so that you can participate in some way in their loss. In addition for every death there are many injuries, taking energy, focus and money away from the mission of the church. It would be interesting to hear how you treat vehicle deaths; do you blame it on the devil or as God’s judgement or perhaps time and chance? Would patience and a constance awareness of the danger help save some lives?

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