The motto of the COG European Servicemen's Department was "service…

The motto of the COG European Servicemen’s Department was “service over laws” We broke the law and the the Church knew this from the beginning and thus never put the Servicemen’s Departmental in an official position in the Church. We weren’t a part or an extension of World missions, which would have been good. We were not part of any chaplains department which was flourishing as an extension of the denomination.

I called our work in the servicemen’s department a red headed step child, never really accepted by the family. There were liaisons to the Executive Committee through a member, ie Culpepper and Crowley etc. We had an European leader and it was an appointment of the Church executive committee.

We catered to the officials who visited and we escorted them through tourist locations and they would ship their purchases by a servicemen’s member to the stateside address. The servicemen did this gladly knowing it was a big official of the church.

All of what I am saying is verified by the German government going to our Servicemen’s European Office in Kaiserslautern, the Servicemen’s Center in the same city and the personal home of the European Representative. They went armed with machine guns and confiscated all records and computers. All buildings and facilities were searched.

The servicemen’s representative was arrested, jail and charged with customs violations. The charges amounted to a large amount of money. There was no doubt about the illegality of our ministry. The Executive Committee paid $50,000 to bail out the representative. It was all hush, hush.

I don’t want to go into all the details however it confirms how service over law is not according to the Biblical ethics and righteousness.

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