There are two aspects of explaining the Truth of Gospel:…

There are two aspects of explaining the Truth of Gospel: 1) The aspect of presenting the gospel to this age: this is call “Polemics”, a refutation of the opinion or principles of another; 2) The aspect of defending the gospel against the ancient and modern day-critics: this is called “Apologetics”, a systematic argument discourse in defense of Christian beliefs.

There is an issue about the Modern-day Oneness Movement. The roots of modern-day Oneness Pentecostalism can be traced to the North American Pentecostal movement during the early 1900’s during a camp meeting fin Arroyo Seco, California in late 1913 or early 1914 conducted by the Assemblies of God (AG), a Christian Organization. John G. Scheppe, a minister, claimed to have a revelation that baptism must be done “in the name of Jesus Christ only” and not in the traditional Triune formula. Several ministers began teaching this “New Issue.” The “New Issue” divided the ministers of the AG movement, which prompted J. Roswell Flower to oppose the Oneness theology and its baptismal formula during their Third General Council in 1915. In their Fourth General Council meeting in 1916, the AG developed a “Statement of Fundamental Truths” that maintained the Triune God doctrine and excommunicated 156 of the 585 AG ministers. This resulted in the formation of different Oneness groups, of which the United Pentecostal Church (UCPI) is the largest.

When Oneness Pentecostals mention “Jesus” they are referring to another Jesus as stated in 2 Corinthians 11:4.

***2 Corinthians 11:4 (NLT) You happily put up with whatever anyone tells you, even if they preach a different Jesus than the one we preach, or a different kind of Spirit than the one you received, or a different kind of gospel than the one you believed.***

The Context or intending meaning of the verse: The false teachers who had come to Corinth had distorted the truth about Jesus and ended up preaching a different Jesus, a different Spirit than the Holy Spirit, and a different kind of gospel than God’s way of salvation. Because of the sparse amount of evidence in 2 Corinthians, the exact form of the false teachers’ erroneous teaching cannot be known. But whether it was a heresy dealing with the Jewish law or a heresy dealing with Greek wisdom and knowledge as stated in 1 Corinthians 1:21-25, clearly the teaching was different than what Paul preached. The false teachers were distracting the Corinthians from the grace of God, the only thing that could save them (see Paul’s emphasis on grace in 1:12; 6:1; 9:8; 12:9). These false teachers’ rhetoric, reasoning, and boasts were drawing attention to themselves instead of pointing the Corinthians to God. The false teachers distorted the truth about Jesus and ended up preaching a different Jesus, a different spirit than the Holy Spirit, and a different way of salvation. Those who teach anything different from what God’s infallible Word says are both mistaken and misleading.

The false teachers who had come to Corinth had distorted the truth about Jesus and ended up preaching a different Jesus, a different Spirit than the Holy Spirit, and a different kind of gospel than God’s way of salvation. Because of the sparse amount of evidence in 2 Corinthians, the exact form of the false teachers’ erroneous teaching cannot be known. But whether it was a heresy dealing with the Jewish law or a heresy dealing with Greek wisdom and knowledge (see 1 Corinthians 1:21-25), clearly the teaching was different than what Paul preached. The false teachers were distracting the Corinthians from the grace of God, the only thing that could save them (see Paul’s emphasis on grace in 1:12; 6:1; 9:8; 12:9). These false teachers’ rhetoric, reasoning, and boasts were drawing attention to themselves instead of pointing the Corinthians to God.

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