Church of God General Assembly 2018 Agenda:  Tithing and Reporting

Church of God General Assembly 2018 Agenda: Tithing and Reporting

XIV.      Tithing and Reporting Consistency

RATIONALEFor various reasons, some Church of God credentialed ministers find themselves attending and financially supporting churches other than a local Church of God congregation. While not seeking to create a hardship for these ministers, it is felt that only those who are actively supporting a local Church of God congregation with their attendance and tithe should be given the right to express a vote/evaluation on a state/regional overseer.

The reasoning is twofold. First, this measure protects the integrity of the vote of the actively engaged minister. The credentialed minister’s vote is not diluted by that of someone who is not attending or tithing in a local Church of God congregation. Second, this measure ensures the state/regional overseer vote/evaluation reflects the opinion of those who are most aware of his leadership.

We recommend:

That we amend page 124, S32. STATE OVERSEER, I.

Selection, by adding the following as item 3:

  1. Further, that all credentialed ministers be active in both tithing and attendance in a local Church of God congregation within the state/region in which the vote/evaluation is conducted.
1.      Is this measure proportional to the international growth of the Church of God?

2.      Does the item allow for hearing of congregations at the periphery of the denomination?

3.      Does the measure compliment or contradict other agenda items on international ministry awareness and denominational growth?


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