Month: July 2011

RT @Cog_Swagger: @perrystonevoe is preaching a #ourCOG camp meeting in the middle of… #ourCOG

RT @Cog_Swagger: @perrystonevoe is preaching a #ourCOG camp meeting in the middle of… #ourCOG »

For when one generation looses touch with God, as described in Jeremiah 5:31, God… #ourCOG

For when one generation looses touch with God, as described in Jeremiah 5:31, God… #ourCOG »

@myrestlesslife #ourCOG hates to see suffrage among women. This is what #ourCOG is… #ourCOG

@myrestlesslife #ourCOG hates to see suffrage among women. This is what #ourCOG is… #ourCOG »

For when one generation looses touch with God, as described in Jeremiah 5:31, God always brings a new generation to serve Him. #ourCOG

For when one generation looses touch with God, as described in Jeremiah 5:31, God always brings a new generation to serve Him. #ourCOG »