Hundred's of COG, S. S., classes will be studying Isaiah…

Hundred’s of COG, S. S., classes will be studying Isaiah 61, tomorrow. I have been to that chapter hundred’s of times but this week I see in it the gift of exhortation at work. The writers of the last six chapters of Isaiah are unknown but they all are encouragers . It was a rag-tag group that came back from Babylon, totally discouraged and without any infra-structure.
Nehemiah and Ezra tell more of the details of this part of the Israeli’s history but these men served to bind up the brokenhearted , to comfort those who mourn to give garland’s instead of ashes. Every young minister in the CoG should study Isa. 61 to develop his or her gift of exhortation to give hope, to develop group esteem to create a vision of possibilities.

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