It is sad for me to see what is taking…

It is sad for me to see what is taking place. It’s disheartening to see and hear of so many churches and pastors now say Revival is not important and some are remarking making things such as having a revival meeting is no longer necessary.

However probably 1/2 of our churches that are over 25 years old were started because of a revival. Yet many churches and many pastors are now saying they don’t to have revival and many are even trying to explain revival away. One person even stated recently that an Evangelist comes in and stirs people up and he has to follow that up and bring people back down to earth. May I kindly ask what’s wrong with getting people stirred up many churches and people need a fresh stirring! Many churches need to get stirred up.

As an evangelist my heart breaks to see and hear these things. I have witnessed many great revivals in my lifetime and seen thousands saved which then became members of someone’s church. Many of those saved have even become pastors and started churches themselves. The church of Acts was birthed in a upper room when they spent 10 days seeking for the Holy Ghost. Then the Church was added to daily such as should be saved. A revival broke forth as a result of that.

Part of the 5 fold ministry is the role of Evangelist Ephesians 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; (and some, evangelists;) and some, pastors and teachers; as I go back and see the birth of the Methodist movement, the Church of God, Assemblies of God, and other prominent denominations all were as a result of revival. Are we saying the Wesley’s, Spurgeons and others like Billy Sunday who preached revivals were wrong or would not fit in today. Some that are saying this were part
Of revivals that lasted weeks even months at a time.

Revival real revival is costly and I think there might be a couple reasons. One people don’t want to attend church more than one time a week, people’s lives are too busy but we say we want our families saved. Another reason is revival is costly financially and is time consuming. Revival does stir up the church and that is part of the definition of revival: to revive, renew, breath fresh life into.

Today sadly 1/3 of our churches only have Sunday morning service, and Bible study Wednesday. Nothing against Bible study. One Statistic said in over 85% Of churches attendance on Sunday night and Wednesday nights is less than 30-37% of what it is Sunday morning. Could it possibly be we are in the falling away and we really do need the fresh breath and renewing as we used to have to keep people excited and stirred up about the kingdom of God.

Less than 10% of our youth attend church today and we have done everything we can think of to keep them in church. We invent and spend millions coming up with new ideas and programs to entice them. We build gyms, game rooms and we still can’t keep them. I remember when our youth went to church and when we had revival many got Baptized in the Holy Ghost and became ministers.

Multitudes or our churches are so time Conscience that Sunday
Morning is a 60-75 minute tightly formatted service with no room for God to move, and people are dying in our pews because there is a lack of reviving. If the trend continues my ministry as an Evangelist part of the 5 fold ministry will soon be extinct. I’m not bitter or angry I’m simply concerned when I read and hear these things. One leader told me “revivals are A thing of the past”. Maybe we need a reviving.

If all these church growth programs and all these new fresh ideas are so good why is less people going to church than ever before? And why are we having less services than ever!

Tim Hall
My Opinion

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