JUST SUPPOSE: You got a call from one of the…

JUST SUPPOSE: You got a call from one of the general overseers and you were asked to preach at one of the evening services at the General Assembly this August; how would you go about preparing? Let’s assume that we would all spend a lot of time in prayer and trying to find the mind of God but there are of course many other markers and considerations. Would you make an effort to lose weight? Give extra thought as how to dress? Review all the sermons that you could find that had been given at the assembly? Consider what you would be expected to say as well as give thought as to what you should not say. One time I was asked to give a talk but the inviter wanted to take some time and explain what the issues had been in the group, what their divisions were and even suggested two subjects that I should stay away from. I thought it over and worked in as many humorous stories as I could and tried to sidestep the ” land mines.” But just suppose your night to speak came after a long and tedious business session in the afternoon, yet 99% of your audience knew nothing about the afternoon tension at the same time a few VIP’
S in your audience would have the business session very much on their mind. Now it’s your turn!

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