
Joyce Meyer Ministries Partners With Convoy of Hope in Joplin

When a massive, deadly tornado devastated Joplin, Mo., last year, Jackie Allen and her 9-year-old son Dylan lost nearly everything. Allen’s mother passed away just months before the tornado hit, leaving her the home she and Dylan lived in. The st... »

Court Stops Eviction of Churches Meeting in New York Schools

New York City churches that have been meeting in public schools won a reprieve from eviction. A Friday court order allows churches to continue meeting for worship services while a lawsuit against the city continues. The preliminary injunction against N... »

"Git Back Here"

“That don’t belong to you,” She shouts,Exasperated,Her half-buttoned blouse blowing in the breeze.She slams the screen-door shut,Storming out onto the front porch. “Git back here you dumb boy!” But I’m already halfway down the street. Is it... »


The first time that the word language shows up in Scripture is Genesis 10, where we are told that the sons and grandsons of Noah “were separated into their lands, … Continue reading → »