
IronLeader Challenge

Last month, I competed in my gym's annual ironman competition. Now before you call me a liar or get impressed, they give us a month to complete the ironman verses the insane people who can achieve it in 1 day or less. If you don't know what it takes to... »

Final sermon checklist before go time

Here are 8 questions I ask myself about each sermon I speak before I hit the pulpit. It helps me stay focused on the immediate and trajectory of where I am taking my kids for the year. This is the template discussed at the leadership session at shabbac... »

Trinity – 1 God, yet 3 distinct persons???

Last night, I did a message on wrapping your mind around the Trinity, as much as humanly possible. It is a very complex issue that can't be watered down to a single analogy. However, scriptures make it abundantly clear there is 1 God in 3 distinct persons. I broke this message down into what I call, "3 Trinity Truths." In order to "show" my students what I'm talking about, I used a simple, yet ver... »