
Ordaining women in the ministry

If you are for ordaining women in the CoG you are a leading Biblical scholar, theologian and church historian. They carefully exegete scripture and... »

Advice to Young Guys Stepping into Ministry

Recently, I was to give a few suggestions for young ministers who were stepping into ministry to consider as they walk into the zany world that is the Church. It went over so well, i thought i would throw them at you to see if they help!!here we go:1. ... »

Repost: Ministry NOT for Sale

Repost: Ministry NOT for Sale

My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not (Proverbs 1:10) Several years ago, while employed with a certain organization, we faced the dilemma to choose between what was morally right and what was financially secure. Regardless of the jeopardy of this predicament, we were able to make the right decision, preserving our integrity and [...] »

Guest Post – The Postures of Lament in the Classroom

The greatest commandment God has given us is to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength. And the second is like it, to love... »