Your Hope In God Is Not Misplaced…


“Jesus entered Jerusalem and came into the temple…” (Mark 11:11)

When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a colt to accomplish what he was born to do, he was embodying the greatest upstaging the world had ever witnessed, and it forever changed the world.

Jesus knew what was ahead of Him. It was to be the pinnacle of his story. He set his face like flint in order to meet it head on. He had been preaching the kingdom, and now he had to fully embody all that he had spoken of.

God was sending salvation, a rescuing to all those who would accept it. Evil was directed toward stopping the mission, like Pharaoh and his armies in Egypt. However, now was the time of the new Exodus, the greatest of all Passovers, and it was unstoppable.

Jesus turned over the tables in the temple and everything came to a standstill. To borrow a phrase from  N.T. Wright, It was a signpost pointing to the reality standing right in front of them. The temple was no longer needed. Jesus was the reality everything had been pointing toward.

Shortly after that Jesus served the disciples in the upper room and shared the story of the Exodus by placing it upon himself. Again, a signpost pointed to the reality that was now in front of them all. Jesus was untimely falsely condemned and placed upon the cross.

He cried from the cross, “It is finished.” He died and was placed into a grave, but the grave couldn’t hold Him. On the third day,  the stone was rolled away, and Jesus was alive forevermore.

I want you to know without a doubt today; your hope in God is not misplaced, it’s assured!

From Hope Assured-Easter Series Legacy Church

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