THE MILLIONAIRE NEXT DOOR: Every pastor would do well to…

THE MILLIONAIRE NEXT DOOR: Every pastor would do well to read, The Millionaire Next Door. it helps you begin to see the enormous wealth all around you. After reading it I realized that several of the members in the Chamber of Commerce that I was a member of were millionaires. My district pastor had a member in his church that supported his church at about the same level as the other members but at a small landing strip adjacent to his farm and grain elevator; the Oral Robert’s plane would land and pick up a significant check. Those with money usually play in down. The pastor with a worthwhile vision and has the ability to present that vision to the right people can often tap into a real ministry source. One summer I filled in for a pastor friend and one of the men there took a liking to me. When he learned that we were planning a vacation, he offered his cabin set high over lake Michigan. We enjoyed the use of the cabin and was careful to leave it very clean. There are many ways that the well-to-do can enhance your life without taking away from their own standard of living.

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