Any young person studying for ministry in the COG would…

Any young person studying for ministry in the COG would do well to develop friendships with people who have money and resources. It never occurred to me to do that instead being poor I went to those who were even poorer than myself. After 18 years of ministry they were never able to lift me up to the point where I had even a reasonable standard of living ( to gain that I had to do it myself.)
Growing up poor one can easily get the idea that there just isn’t much money in the world. When I was about 60 I read the book; The Millionaires Around You, amazingly there are many and one or two would be glad to sponsor the right young person who showed promise.
Even a country like Turkey has 28 Billionaires, Taiwan 18 and the US has over 400. A young person might not be able to reach them but might well make acquaintances with Millionaires. Even here in a small southern community I have met people who were worth ten or more million. Just recently a man I know was honored for making a $ 50.000.00 donation to a worthy cause. How about it young person; are you a worthy cause?

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